woensdag 12 september 2012

2nd year university..exciting?!

Hi there! 

Here I'm again.. with a part of my daily life. 

My last blog was a week ago, I think.. So.. it's time to write a new one.

Did there changed much in the last week? Yes it did! 

A whole new school year started for me yesterday, 
and well the only thing what I can say, or ask is: When do I have holiday again?

Well after saying farewell too my holiday, of 2,5 months working.
It was a whole step for me too have a collegeday from 11am. till 5pm. 
and it was a bigger step when I discovered that it were statistics colleges. 

So well I think you now (or not) how tired I am.. 
But like every year I get to used to it..

Lucky for me yesterday it was the 2nd qualification match for the WC 2014
and quess who was playing yesterday Mesut Özil.. 

That smile,, GOD!

How perfect can someone play with a ball, well if you have watched the game you saw it.. One perfect penalty, and he made the 2nd goal for Germany..
Noff,, I hope I''ll ever meet him..

the penalty of Özil ( by megustaelfutbol)

It's only that Ozil is playing those matches otherwise I would support Holland, but that is also difficult because they are in the same group as Turkey..
The country of my roots.. So I choosed for Germany and that is a whole easier to watch the matches.

But after all the time goes on and today it was an interesting day!
The collage today was about psychopathology and well as a future psychologist it will be hard to decide who has a disorder and who hasn't.

Nyaah.. that's why I study.. isn't?! to learn this all..

Well I shall see.. 

yours #MA

maandag 3 september 2012

Live your life!

Have a nice day! 
and like a turkish songer says:
There was a angel, which whispers love.

be your own angel,
live, laugh, love! 


Welcoming myself, again.. -__-


Here I'm again.. Welcoming myself at Blogger..

Like I said in my blog 'bye bye first blog', as a beginner I deleted my first blog..

There I gave a little summary about what I wrote..  Even I don't remember exactly what I wrote.. It was a little bit like what I'm gonna write now..

So for now it was yesterday, I decided to start writing blogs.. With which purpose I don't know yet, and were it come from neither.. But I decided to do it. 

Uhm..uhmm.. Well, I'm 21 years old, and like the store #21forever I want to feel me 21, forever. Oke further I'm also a muslim and a dutch young girl.. With turkish roots. 

Owh,, moreover last I went to Antwerp with the girls and there it was 'love at first sight'.. So I hope they ''ll open a 21 forever soon in the Netherlands..
My Forever 21 ring & necklace <3__<3

And yess, I'm from the Netherlands.. A girl who lives with her parents and 2 little annoying but the most handsome, lovely brothers (Aha it's a normal brother-sister relationship, don't worry =D ) in a city called Amersfoort. 

It's a beautifull city, but there is not so much too do here.. So I always hang out with my friends in Utrecht..The city where I also go to the University.. Studying psychology! I like it very much and it is a nice city too be there! 
So if you are visiting the Netherlands and you are in Utrecht, go and visit the 'oude grachten'. And diner there.. They've also lovely restaurants there..

At least, at my costly time I work like everyone at this world.. unfortunately.. It's not that I'm complaining, not at all! But how wonderfull it would be if you could lazy the whole day, while you're earning money..
A little bit too much wonderfull, I think? 

Naah,, It's important that I love to do my work, fortunately...

Ohw, almost forgetting the most important thing to tell.. 
My slogan! With this you can find me EVERYWHERE! 

'cause believing is the most important thing to live, laugh & love!


yours #MA

ps. my english skill aren't perfect, so there ''ll be a lott of grammar faults etc.. So sorry for that ;) 

pps. It's not that I'm a Real Madrid fan.. But #mesutözil is one of the players which I always will follow.. #HALAÖZIL! 

zondag 2 september 2012

Smartphone's annoying #grrr

It's definitly clear! Smartphone's are the most !@#$%^ things, which been created ever! 

Since I've a smartphone, and that is now more than 2 years, a whole world opened for me.. Everything, with a touch, at the end of my fingers.. 

But how anoying could a smartphone be when it doesn't work like you wish?!! 
Well, today I experienced it one more time.. VERY ANNOYING! 

If it had a neck, I could turn it because of my frustrations.. 
I could beat on it, if the information in it wouldn't be so important for me.. 


Even the fact that Real Madrid won the match with 3 goals, can't make my day  (which ends in a hour) .. 
Maybe a little bit, 'cause Özil played the last 30 minutes.. 
But that doesn't help my smartphone to come alive! 

Okee,, now you can think.. Don't worry, they can fix it for you...
But I hate it too give my phone to someone else.. 
It's like a part of my life.. But I'm not the only one who thinks like that..Am I? 

Well yeah.. After I wrote this, my frustration is a little bit over..

Maybe that the internet can help me, fixing my lovely smartphonee..


Live, laugh & love! 


Byebye first blog

After trying the smartphone app of blogger I deleted my first blog..  
In dutch we call that a - blunder -.. #grrr

Thats why I have decided to tell you in short what I wrote in my first blog... 

It was my welcome blog, for welcoming my self.. 
Where I introduced myself.. About my school, dailiy life, what I did in my costly time etc. etc.. 

Now I don't have too much time so I can't tell you the details.
I will definitly in my next blogs, I hope.. 

See u then! 

Live, laugh & <3! 

ps. 'cause my english skills aren't perfect there will be grammar faults etc.. So sorry for that!