woensdag 12 september 2012

2nd year university..exciting?!

Hi there! 

Here I'm again.. with a part of my daily life. 

My last blog was a week ago, I think.. So.. it's time to write a new one.

Did there changed much in the last week? Yes it did! 

A whole new school year started for me yesterday, 
and well the only thing what I can say, or ask is: When do I have holiday again?

Well after saying farewell too my holiday, of 2,5 months working.
It was a whole step for me too have a collegeday from 11am. till 5pm. 
and it was a bigger step when I discovered that it were statistics colleges. 

So well I think you now (or not) how tired I am.. 
But like every year I get to used to it..

Lucky for me yesterday it was the 2nd qualification match for the WC 2014
and quess who was playing yesterday Mesut Özil.. 

That smile,, GOD!

How perfect can someone play with a ball, well if you have watched the game you saw it.. One perfect penalty, and he made the 2nd goal for Germany..
Noff,, I hope I''ll ever meet him..

the penalty of Özil ( by megustaelfutbol)

It's only that Ozil is playing those matches otherwise I would support Holland, but that is also difficult because they are in the same group as Turkey..
The country of my roots.. So I choosed for Germany and that is a whole easier to watch the matches.

But after all the time goes on and today it was an interesting day!
The collage today was about psychopathology and well as a future psychologist it will be hard to decide who has a disorder and who hasn't.

Nyaah.. that's why I study.. isn't?! to learn this all..

Well I shall see.. 

yours #MA

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