zondag 2 september 2012

Smartphone's annoying #grrr

It's definitly clear! Smartphone's are the most !@#$%^ things, which been created ever! 

Since I've a smartphone, and that is now more than 2 years, a whole world opened for me.. Everything, with a touch, at the end of my fingers.. 

But how anoying could a smartphone be when it doesn't work like you wish?!! 
Well, today I experienced it one more time.. VERY ANNOYING! 

If it had a neck, I could turn it because of my frustrations.. 
I could beat on it, if the information in it wouldn't be so important for me.. 


Even the fact that Real Madrid won the match with 3 goals, can't make my day  (which ends in a hour) .. 
Maybe a little bit, 'cause Özil played the last 30 minutes.. 
But that doesn't help my smartphone to come alive! 

Okee,, now you can think.. Don't worry, they can fix it for you...
But I hate it too give my phone to someone else.. 
It's like a part of my life.. But I'm not the only one who thinks like that..Am I? 

Well yeah.. After I wrote this, my frustration is a little bit over..

Maybe that the internet can help me, fixing my lovely smartphonee..


Live, laugh & love! 


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